Established in the year 2012, Central Line Pvt Ltd, with a young yet dynamic team, had been paving their way through among the competitive Maldivian entrepreneurs, providing multiple beneficial services in the Maldivian Tourism Industry and General Trading. Despite the short history of the company, Central Line Pvt Ltd had already marked their territory in their relative field, providing Multiple Resorts, Hotels and Conglomerates, with incomparable ranges of products and services.
Change of strategics Focus
During 2012 we had decided to expand our business. We had expertise and know-how in coastal construction and had access to all the needed resources. Therefore, the strategic decision was
made to enter the construction industry.
Our Specialty
As tourism industry was booming in the Maldives, there was an unmet demand for skilled contractors. With this opportunity and our expertise in coastal constructions, logistics and sourcing. We have decided to enter the segment in the industry. Even though our focus was mainly on the tourism sector, We did not ignore construction opportunities in other segments of the construction industry.